Northern Endeavour ROV Inspection
Project Overview
Bhagwan Marine (BM) were contracted by Upstream Production Solutions (UPS) to manage the 2021 Northern Endeavour ROV Inspection scope of works. The offshore works were conducted via remotely operated vehicle (ROV) from the Multi-Purpose Support Vessel (MSV) Bhagwan Dryden.
The works took place in the Laminaria/Corallina fields which are located in the Timor Sea approximately 550km WNW of Darwin. The Northern Endeavour (NE) Floating Production Storage and Offtake facility (FPSO) is permanently moored in approximately 380m of water.
The IMR campaign completed technical integrity (TI) tasks under the ongoing risk-based inspection (RBI) regime, integrity survey tasks which are associated with the overall integrity status of the field, and tasks pertinent to any preparation for subsea production system flushing and FPSO disconnection.
During the offshore works the following tasks were completed; GVI inspections including, contact CP and valve status, field gradient CP survey of all subsea equipment, and additional infield inspections/surveys.
The operations were completed successfully without HSE Incident.

- Project Name
Northern Endeavour ROV Inspection
- Location
Timor Sea
- Scope of Work
ROV Inspection